Ready for CAE p 30. Information. Speaking

Ready for CAE Ss p 30 Speaking
The picture at the bottom is from The Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library at Yale University

Ready for CAE p 30. Speaking. Useful Language

- You can access information about a wide range of topics on the internet.
- Twitter lets you broadcast information about …
- Often websites and blogs publish information that…
- The local radio broadcasts information for the residents.

- You can gather information by copying and pasting text from a web site. Then you need to research the information you've collected. And finally, you have to organize relevant information in folders.
- I'm currently trying to compile information about the different kinds of…

- Students may also obtain information at the library.
- On the one hand, the World Wide Web offers information and data from all over the world. However, it is necessary to develop skills to evaluate what you find. On the other hand, when you use a research or academic library, the books, journals and other resources have already been evaluated by scholars, publishers and librarians. Inaccurate information can be misleading or even dangerous (health information for example).
- If we make a decision based on wrong or unreliable information,…
- Libraries provide information on a wide range of topics in various formats, such as books, both in standard or large print, audio tapes, online databases…Most public libraries also provide information on educational opportunities in the area as well as free internet access to members.

- Poor-quality or missing information can mislead you
- Sometimes people deliberately withhold information because it is embarrassing or because they aren't aware it is important.

- We are aware that the media, mainly the newspaper and television, conveys (communicates) misconstrued (misinterpreted) and biased information to a gross (total) population about many events.
- Misinformation can spread fast via social networks.
- We have relied on many newspapers and news sources for years to give us verifiable and non-biased information. These days though it seems…

- We enjoy freedom of information, of expression, and of participation, within a context of respect for pluralism.

- Appearances often are deceiving.
- We must avoid misjudging others
- Although appearances can be deceiving, they can also be revealing.

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