Speakout Advanced p 21. Keys and Vocabulary

Ex 4A


Had I been more confident, I wouldn’t have listened.

I could have done more interesting things if I’d trusted my instincts.

If I’d known that statistic when I was learning the ropes, I’d be selling insurance today.

But for our trust in each other, we would never have become so successful.


I regret wasting my twenties.

If only I’d known then what I know now.

I wish we hadn’t listened.

Ex 4B


1 Had I + past participle, But for + clause

2 More formal

3 Past perfect

Ex 4C


Mixed conditional: If I’d known that statistic when I was learning the ropes, I’d be selling insurance today.

p 130

Heroics: /həˈrəʊɪks/ actions that are brave and determined. E.g. Thanks to Bateman's heroics in the second half, the team won 2–0.

p 131
Ex 1

1 had listened,

 wouldn’t be

2 becoming,

had spent

3 would have found,

had called

4 had taken over,

would have caused

5 told,

would be staying 

dump: a place where waste or rubbish/garbage is taken and left. E.g. a rubbish dump

6 arriving,

would have died

7 had known,

wouldn’t have cooked

8 not pulled,

would have won

Ex 2

1 If we hadn’t gambled on red, we would have won.

2 They wouldn’t have asked him to the party if he wasn’t/weren’t famous.

3 The boys regret borrowing your car.

4 Had she known you were a vegetarian, she wouldn’t have bought fish.

5 If only I hadn’t forgotten my keys, we wouldn’t be locked out!

lock somebody/yourself out (of something): to prevent somebody from entering a place by locking the door. E.g. I'd locked myself out of the house and had to break a window to get in.

6 If I hadn’t dropped out of university, I wouldn’t be working in a boring, lowpaid job.

drop out (of something) to leave school, college, etc. without finishing your studies. She started a degree but dropped out after only a year. Kids who had dropped out of college.

low-paid: earning or providing very little money. E.g. low-paid workers. It is one of the lowest-paid jobs.

7 Ahmed wishes he had spoken to you before you left.

8 But for his injury, we would have won.

 Ex 5A
KEY and vocabulary

stonecutter: a person who cuts stone from a quarry /ˈkwɒri/ or who shapes and carves it for use.
chip something + adverb/preposition to cut or break small pieces off something with a tool. E.g. It needs skill to chip a block of stone into a recognizable shape.

1 been

2 wish

3 Had

4 have

grant: to agree to give somebody what they ask for, especially formal or legal permission to do something. E.g. My request was granted. I was granted permission to visit the palace.

5 But

6 only

immovable: /ɪˈmuːvəbl/ that cannot be moved. E.g. an immovable object

7 would

8 regret

Ex 5B
moral: /ˈmɒrəl/  a practical lesson that a story, an event or an experience teaches you. E.g. And the moral is that crime doesn't pay.

Ex 5C

3 Had I known this, I’d have asked to become a cloud. 

4 If I’d been stronger, I could’ve stopped the wind.

5 But for my weakness, I would’ve blown that mountain down. 

would've: /ˈwʊdəv/

6 If only I’d been transformed into a mountain, I’d be the strongest of all.

7 If only I’d known this I would’ve remained a stonecutter. 

Ex 6A
motto: /ˈmɒtəʊ/ a short sentence or phrase that expresses the aims and beliefs of a person, a group, an institution, etc. and is used as a rule of behaviour. E.g. The school's motto is: ‘Duty, Honour, Country’. ‘Live and let live.’ That's my motto.

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