Speakout Advanced p 97. Keys and Vocabulary

Ex 11

ravenous: /ˈrævənəs/ (of a person or an animal) extremely hungry. Starving. E.g. What's for lunch? I'm absolutely ravenous. The ravenous lion devoured /dɪˈvaʊəd/ the antelope /ˈæntɪləʊp/.

onomatopoeia: /ˌɒnəˌmætəˈpiːə/ the fact of words containing sounds similar to the noises they describe, for example hiss (to make a sound like a long ‘s’); the use of words like this in a piece of writing.

onomatopoeic: /ˌɒnəˌmætəˈpiːɪk/ Bang and pop are onomatopoeic words.
Bang: used to show the sound of something loud, like a gun. E.g. ‘Bang, bang, you're dead!’ shouted the little boy. 
pop: a short sharp explosive sound. E.g. The cork came out of the bottle with a loud pop. 

screech: /skriːtʃ/ 1. to make a loud high unpleasant sound; to say something using this sound. E.g. The wind screeched in his ears. He screeched something at me. 2. (of a vehicle) to make a loud high unpleasant noise as it moves. E.g. The car screeched to a halt outside the hospital. A police car screeched out of a side street. 

halt: an act of stopping the movement or progress of somebody/something. E.g. Work came to a halt when the machine broke down.

murmur: /ˈmɜːmə(r)/ 1. to say something in a soft quiet voice that is difficult to hear or understand. E.g. She murmured her agreement. He murmured something in his sleep. She was murmuring in his ear. 2. to make a quiet continuous sound. E.g. The wind murmured in the trees. The murmuring of innumerable bees.

imagery: /ˈɪmɪdʒəri/ language that produces pictures in the minds of people reading or listening. E.g. poetic imagery.  Imagery can help to engage a reader as in the stars danced playfully in the sky.

simile: /ˈsɪməli/ a word or phrase that compares something to something else, using the words like or as, for example a face like a mask or as white as snow.

adjectives: huge (house), ancient (tree), sticky (sap), green/lush (leaves), crunchy (apples), juicy (figs), smooth (bark).

verbs: chatter, stood, feast, beckon, sprinting

onomatopoeia: crunchy apples, sticky sap, smooth bark

texture: smooth bark, sticky sap

The writer uses the contrast of the house nowadays (as a doctor's surgery) with her memory of the house in the past. Her happy memories, with her feeling (sad) of seeing how the house and gardens had been changed.

personification of an object: "the tree knew all our secrets." " The branches beckoned..."

metaphor: Memories... flooding back." 

Speakout Tip
mumble: to speak or say something in a quiet voice in a way that is not clear. E.g. I could hear him mumbling to himself. She mumbled an apology and left. She mumbled that she was sorry.

More useful verbs:


slur: /slɜː(r)/ to pronounce words in a way that is not clear so that they run into each other, usually because you are drunk or tired. E.g. She had drunk too much and her speech was slurred.


burst out: to speak suddenly, loudly and with strong feeling. "Don't go!" he ​burst out.

gossip: to talk about other people’s private lives, often in an unkind way. E.g. I can't stand here gossiping all day. She's been gossiping about you.


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